Flexible eCommerce website to sell online.

eCommerce websites can be designed for various uses and with many different configurations. Each business can have some unique requirements, therefore standard online shopping basket doesn't fit them all.

eCommerce Application For Floral Website Development

Floral eCommerce websites have unique requirements, unlike all other eCommerce websites. These are some points of differentiation:

  • People placing orders (Orderers) are different from those who will receive the orders (Recipients)
  • Collection of personal information is different and it requires two sets of personal information collection.
    a) Orderer's personal and credit card information
    b) Orderer also inputs the recipient's information some of them might not be accurate enough for successful delivery
  • Orderer also provides product selection for the benefit of recipient
  • Home page of Classic Flowers

Add-ons selection:

Our administrative Back Office for floral eCommerce website has the following features:

Home page of Classic Flowers Home page of Classic Flowers Home page of Classic Flowers Home page of Classic Flowers

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